Our teachers and Students Enjoy Success in the 5th (2015) Beijing Integrated Circuit Design Competition for College Students and the National Invitation Tournament
To effectively implement ‘theOutline of the National Integrated Circuit Industry Development and Promotion’ ,scientifically plan the educational goals for the future integrated circuittalents , gradually make the gap between the industry ...
2016-01-18 News -
The Teachers and Students from Department of Electronic Engineering Participated in the 6th Intel Cup Mechanical Skill Contest for College Students
On November 11, the Sixth ‘IntelCup’ Mechanical Skill Contest for College Students was held in Liaoning VocationalCollege of Light Industry. Ten university teams, such as Dalian University ofTechnology, Dalian Maritime University, Dalian ...
2016-01-14 News -
The 9th DNUI Dancing Contest Final – A Feast of Youthfulness
At 7:00 p.m. on November 8th, the9th DNUI Dancing Contest Final themed “Dance for Youth” was held on the firstfloor of Students Activity Center. Hosted by Committee of Youth League andorganized by Student Union, the contest was a real fea...
2016-01-11 News -
Let’s Talk About Art! Post-80s Maker Wang Yitong Returning to DNUI to Share Her Entrepreneurial Experiences
OnOctober 29th, the first lecture of “Let’s Talk about Art”--was heldin Room A2-309, during which the post-80s maker Wang Yitong shared herentrepreneurial experiences. WangYitong was an outstanding...
2016-01-07 News -
15th Top 10 Singers Launches
The Finals of the 15thTop 10 Singers Contest, sponsored by the Youth League of DNUI and the Students’Union, were launched at the Univesity Students’ Centre of the Third Phase Areaof the University on November, 7th. Zhang Minghua, Arts Dir...
2016-01-05 News -
Our Teacher from Department of Digital Arts Won the Gold Medal in the 5th China International Digital Photography Art Exhibition
In the recent 5th ChinaInternational Digital Photography Art Exhibition, “Insects Awaken" by MengFanyu, a teacher from Major of Visual Communication, Department of DigitalArts, won the international gold award of digital group.China Internation...
2015-12-25 News -
Brilliant Achievements of the Practical Semester in 2014-2015 Presented
On October 28th,achievements of the practical semester in 2014-2015 were exhibited in everydepartment. Compared with last year, it included not only the excellentprojects of this practical semester, but also the award-winning works inacademic competi...
2015-12-22 News