[ Liaoning Daily] U-Create Workshop Ignites Students’ Enthusiasm about Startups
On April 19th, when the reporter came to the TeachingBuilding A7, a one-person-high poster came into view which read " The RescueOrder of A7: U-Create satisfies your thirst and hunger! Please scan thetwo-dimensional bar code of U-Create Workshop.&rdq...
2016-05-19 News -
Prof. from CUC invited to Give Lecture at DNUI
A theme workshop wasgiven on “Practice of Public Opinions Guidance Through Omnimedia-EmergencyResponse Treatment and Public Relations Management” on the afternoon of Aprilthe first. Dong Guanpeng, a professor from Communication University...
2016-05-18 News -
DNUI Student Achieved Great Marks in the Final of 7th National College Students Mathematical Contest
On March 25th, the final of 7th NationalCollege Students Mathematical Contest was held in Fujian Normal University. YuXiachen, a student from Class 14010 of Department of Information Technology andBusiness Administration, achieved the 2nd prize in th...
2016-05-17 News -
Jin Qi Showed up on Alumni Association as a Guest and Delivered the Speech Life Needs Thinking and Precipitation
Spring, was a piece of canvas painted with colors oflife, and it was also a gallery showing the miracles of life. On the afternoonof March 23rd, with the smell of spring, we welcomed the 1st show ofAlumni Association of DNUI titled “Weare the s...
2016-05-06 News -
The Third College Students Innovation & Entrepreneurship Forum Held in DNUI
With a new round of developmentin scientific and technological revolution and industrial reform, “NewE-Commerce” has developed into a latest commercial activity form against theinnovation and entrepreneurship background. On the afternoon ...
2016-04-13 News -
President Wen Tao and Fellow Teachers Paid a Visit to Partner University in Japan
From March 9th to 16th, at theinvitation of the University of Aizu and Hokkaido Information University, ledby President Wen Tao of our university, the delegation comprised of Sun Wei,Dean of Computer Science and Technology, and Zhang Tingting, Direct...
2016-04-08 News -
“Demonstration Project of China Entrepreneurship” launched in Dalian, SOVO was awarded national makerspace
On March 27th, “ChinaEntrepreneurship·Dalian”, the first demonstration project of ChinaEntrepreneurship by Torch Center, Ministry of Science & Technology inNortheast China, was launched in High-tech Industrial Zone, Dalian. “...
2016-04-01 News