Delegation of Pacific National University from Russia Visited DNUI
Sergey N. Ivanchenko, the president of Pacific National University and his party visited DNUI on Oct. 26th. Wen Tao, President of DNUI, and Yang Lu, Director of the College of International Education, received the delegation and the two parties had a...
2017-04-06 News -
Dr. Thomas.C.Peng, Vice President of George Fox University (America), and His Team visited DNUI
On November 8th , Dr. Thomas.C.Peng, vice President of George Fox University(GFU)and Annette Nemetz, Dean of MBA Project of GFU, paid a friendly visit to our university. Yang Lu, our President of Interfacial Education School, Li Haoyuan and Sun Qi,...
2017-04-06 News -
The Dance Championship Lighted DNUI
On the evening of Nov.20th , the final of the 10th Dance Championship “ Dancing for the Youth” of DNUI was started at the Students’ Activities Center. It is not only a duel of excellent players, but also a visual feast of attracting...
2017-04-06 News -
16th “Top-ten Singers’ Contest” Held in Our School
On the night of November 19th, the final of our school’s 16th "Top Ten Singers" kicked off in the third phase of the Students' Activity Center.Through departmental selection, a total of 12 players stood out and competed for championship on the ...
2017-04-06 News -
Teacher From Digital Art Department of Our University Made Great Achievements in “BIEAF 2016 14th”
Sponsored by the Joint Association of Korean Culture and Asian Pioneer Design Development Committee, supported and guided by the municipal government of Busan, South Korea, the opening ceremony of “BIEAF 2016 14th” and the award-presentat...
2017-04-06 News -
Our School Wins the Title of “China’s Private College with Employment Competitiveness of 2016”
On November 23rd, sponsored by the Sina education channel, China’s education festival of 2016 was put to an end in Beijing. In the grand award ceremony, our school won the title of “China’s Private College with Employment Competitiv...
2017-04-06 News -
DNUI Students Did a Good Job in the 21st Japanese Rugby Robot Contest
The 21st Japanese Rugby Robot Contest was held successfully in Tsuyama, Japan, from 16 to 18 of December, 2016. Twenty-five teams from different countries such as Japan, China, Singapore and Thailand participated this contest. A student from Electron...
2017-04-06 News