To effectively implement ‘theOutline of the National Integrated Circuit Industry Development and Promotion’ ,scientifically plan the educational goals for the future integrated circuittalents , gradually make the gap between the industry and universities closer, andfurther communicate the experience of training university talents includingdiscussing reasonable talents training mode , the 5th (2015) Beijing IntegratedCircuit Design Competition for College Students and the National InvitationTournament was held in Beijing University of Technology, hosted jointly byBeijing Municipal Education Commission, Electronic Industry Press and BeijingElectronic Institute and presented by North China University of Technology andBeijing University of Technology under the guidance of the Ministry ofEducation of Higher Learning Institutions of Fundamental Electrical andElectronic Courses Teaching Steering Committee and Ministry of Education ofHigher Learning Institutions of Electronic Information Teaching SteeringCommittee. DNUI sent six teams from Electronic Engineering Department. They allsuccessfully entered the final. In the final, the team of Liu Siqi, Xu Yifei,Yan Xin won the second prize; the other two teams of Zhang Yingda, Li Xintong,Lin Zhiwen, and Zhao Siyi, Zhou Jian, Yuyue won the third.
ThisEvent has rooted in the concept of closely integrating indigenous innovationwith industry, education, research and application, which contributes to thecompetitive mode of the enterprise setting questions and the instruction of a panel of judgesg,and finally, students' manipulative practice. Likewise, this event has providedthe latest industry technology trend for all the teachers and students working inthe electronic information field, and meanwhile, provided talent dockingchannels for the integrated circuit enterprises. In recent five years, thecontest has spread out of Beijing and become one of the top domestic events inthe field. The competition successfully invited domestic well-known integratedcircuit companies to be the co-organizers, such as Empyrean, CSMC, CapitalMicroelectronics, SiGma Micro, Chiponeic, Yan Dong Microelectronic, Fujitsu andthe like.
In the future, the IntegratedCircuit Design Contest will be targeted at universities abroad, striving tobecome a globally influential event in the field of Integrated Circuit. Studentsof 48 universities including Tsinghua University, Dalian University ofTechnology, Nankai University took part in the contest. Nearly 700 people of231 groups signed up, of which 167 groups were undergraduate students, 64groups of graduate students, totally 111 groups presenting their works and 77groups advancing to the final. 5% finalists were for the first prize, 20% forthe second, 45% for the third.
The awards of our university areas follows: