1DNUI Students Won Great Results in the 13th National Undergraduate “NXP Cup” Smart Car Competition
The 13th NationalUndergraduate "NXP Cup" Smart Car Competition (Northeast DivisionCompetition) was held at the Center Gymnasium of Changchun University ofScience and Technology from July 15th to 17th, 2018. A total of six teamsconsisting of 19 studen...
2018-08-28 News -
Renowned Japanese Professor Exchanges with DNUI Students
Professor OkuyamaYuichi from University of Aizu gave a series of lectures to DNUI students andteachers, invited by the School of Computer Science and Software Engineeringand the Department of International Cooperation and Exchanges.In his five lectur...
2018-08-24 News -
DNUI Candidates Win Three Golds at Entrepreneurial Youth
DNUI candidates wonthree golds, 8 silvers and 11 bronzes at the finals of “Entrepreneurial Youth”Liaoning College Students Entrepreneurship Contest which was held at The CoinBuilding in Shenyang from June 1 and 3. One team from DNUI made ...
2018-08-02 News -
Top Educators, Li Hai and Hua Lei Visit DNUI
Li Hai, Deputy Director of the International Department of the Education Ministry and YangZhou, Deputy Chief of the Overseas Studies of the Education Ministry, visitedDNUI and gave guidance to the university’s work on innovation, entrepreneursh...
2018-07-25 News -
Tan Zuojun Writes to Local University Students
A special gift wasdelivered to the would-be graduates of DNUI at the graduation party as part ofthe events to mark the 2018 graduation ceremony on July 3. A letter was read tothe univeristy students of Dalian by Zhang Tianshou, Deputy Director of Dal...
2018-07-19 News -
Our School Held the Graduation Ceremony and Degree Awarding Ceremony for the Graduates of 2018
On the morning ofJuly 3rd , the Graduation Ceremony and Degree Awarding Ceremony forthe Graduates of 2018 in Dalian Neusoft University of Information was held inthe gymnasium.At 1:00 a.m. on July 3rd ,Feng Haixiao, a graduate of Dalian Neusoft Univer...
2018-07-16 News -
Speech by President Wen Tao at the 2018 Student Graduation Ceremony: Growing up
Dear students,parents, and teachers:Good morning!Today we are here togather and solemnly hold a graduation ceremony for 2018 graduates. First ofall, on behalf of the teachers and students of the whole school, I would liketo express my warmest congrat...
2018-07-11 News