Prof. from CUC invited to Give Lecture at DNUI
Release time:2016-05-18 

A theme workshop wasgiven on “Practice of Public Opinions Guidance Through Omnimedia-EmergencyResponse Treatment and Public Relations Management” on the afternoon of Aprilthe first. Dong Guanpeng, a professor from Communication University of China(CUC) was invited to give the lecture, which was attended by deputy chiefs andhigher of the departments of DNUI, persons in charge of publicity from theteaching units and the administrative departments, persons in charge ofomnimedia, teachers and representatives of student leaders from the departmentsconcerned. The lecture was presided over by Ren Hao, Vice Secretary of theParty Branch of DNUI.

Party Vice Secretary of DNUI Ren Hao presides over theworkshop  File photo by Lv Zuoyi

Prof. Dong Guanpeng gives a wonderful lecture  File photo by Lv Zuoyi

Prof. Dong Guanpeng visits the Department of DigitalArts  File photo by Lv Zuoyi

Prof. Dong Guanpeng visits SOVO  File photo by Lv Zuoyi

Professor DongGuanpeng serves as vice president and standing director of China PublicRelations Association, chief of National Education Centre for Leadership andCommunication, dean of School of Media Management of CUC, chief of theContinuing Study Department of CUC and its Party Branch. He is also an expertat press release planning and evaluation of the State Council InformationOffice of the People’s Republic of China, an expert at media affairs on the Emergency ManagementExpert Panel of the State Council, a member of the State Council Food SafetyCommittee, a member of the National Nuclear Emergency Committee of Experts anda distinguished expert at judicial communications with the Supreme Court.

Prof. Dong elaboratedon the theories and practical skills in treating emergencies and managingpublic relations, analyzing the new structure of media guidance in the era ofnew media and citing the recent major emergencies as cases with the aid ofimages and videos. He also offered suggestions on how to appreciate media andtheir new functions correctly, how to release news creatively and how to thinkin other people’s positions in three perspectives and the construction of fiveplatforms. The professor remarked that in the era of omnimedia, one principle mustbe held fast to in the treatment of emergencies: going where the people need usmost. The news release of omnimedia must address the new-type impulse-drivenpublic opinions characterized by broken information with a constant flow.Therefore, wise, constructive and informative guidance is needed in quickresponse.

The teachers andstudents present responded with laughter and applause to the witty and vividwords of Prof. Dong so that they desired for more by the end of thethree-hour-long lecture. “I would summarize this lecture this way: one’s visiondetermines how high he could ascend and his experiences are essential for asuccessful life,” remarked Dai Wenbo, a teacher from the Department of BusinessManagement, “How wonderful this event is!” Zou Xiang, dean of Teaching Supportand Experiment Centre said, “It’s just brilliant! This is the best lecture thatI have even attended. Long as it is, we don’t feel any tired. It’s bothprofessional and informative!” A number of teachers and students agreed thatthey had benefited so much from the professor’s lecture.

The event wassponsored by Branding and Strategic Development Department of DNUI. Prior tothe lecture, Mr. Ren and Wang Shuang, chief of Branding and StrategicDevelopment Department accompanied Prof. Dong tovisit the Department of Digital Arts, SOVO (Students Office & VentureOffice) and the library. Mr. Dong expressed affirmative views about thecharacteristic education of our university.