The Third College Students Innovation & Entrepreneurship Forum Held in DNUI
Release time:2016-04-13 

With a new round of developmentin scientific and technological revolution and industrial reform, “NewE-Commerce” has developed into a latest commercial activity form against theinnovation and entrepreneurship background. On the afternoon of March 29th, theThird College Students Innovation & Entrepreneurship Forum themed“Innovation & Entrepreneurship among College Students in New E-CommerceAge” was held in the lecture hall (A5-602) of DNUI. The forum was co-held by 6units, including DNUI and College Graduates Employment Bureau of LiaoningProvince etc. Ren Zhigang, Deputy Director of Dalian Public Practicing Base forEntrepreneurs, Cao Jing, Director of Dalian High-tech Zone EntrepreneurialCentre, Li Yingao, Vice President of Neusoft Holdings and General Manager ofCooVenture, Zhao Bo, Vice President of DNUI, and Deng Shan, Dean of School ofInnovation & Entrepreneurship attended the forum.  

Before the opening of the forum,Vice President Zhao Bo addressed to the audience: as soon as DNUI was set up in2000, we had set the goal of establishing an entrepreneurial collegespecialized in applied technology. Before long, the Entrepreneurial Centre SOVOcame into existence in 2002. Looking into the future, DNUI will carry on itseducational philosophy of “Education Creates the Value of Students” throughconstant innovation and the cultivation of creative and qualifiedpractice-oriented talents, and will march towards its target of developing intoa top entrepreneurial college characterized by applied technology.

Ren Wangyun, General Manager ofthe administration centre of Dalian Suning Commerce Group Co., Ltd, delivered akeynote speech on “The Development of Retailing in the Internet Plus Age”. Hepointed out that “Internet Plus” is no longer an everlasting advantage. Offlineretailing shall be in line with the development of the Internet. Trends are ofgreater significance than advantages. Thus, to follow the current trend andchoose an appropriate path is the most critical in reforms. Past glory shouldnot stand in the way of a company’s further development. The 6-year O2Otransformation of Suning can be divided into two phases: “Plus Internet” and“Internet Plus”. The former refers to a way-up pattern in which existingoffline resources become available on the Internet and digitalized operationand services are carried out. While the latter is a way-down pattern in whichthe integrated Internet technology goes offline and improves the originaloperation flow and resources through grafting and iteration.  

Wen Ming, Chairman of LiaoningElectronic Commerce Association and President of Liaoning Jinshe YunongE-Commerce Group gave a keynote speech on “Where is the Next Whirlwind Centrefor O2O to Follow a Path?” “Internet Plus” provides infinite possibilities for“Mass Entrepreneurship and Innovation”. Since the Internet industry is involvedin constant and rapid changes, integration and reforms are by no meansunidirectional. While making changes on others, we also make self-adjustmentsand experience a new round of recognition. O2O is among the fields where drasticchanges take place. The Internet and entrepreneurship are closely related, thusmany a successful case of Internet startup can be seen in a short period oftime. For instance, the output value of Alibaba, China’s largest E-Commerceretailing enterprise, reaches 3 trillion RMB this year, which has surpassedthat of Walmart around the globe. It took the former merely 13 years to achievethis, while two centuries for the latter. Wen added:” Maybe you are the nextone in the center of the whirlwind.”  

Cheng Yong, Assistant General Managerof Aliyun Big Data, made a statement on “Industrial Application Based on BigData”. In which fields can Aliyun Big Data be applied? Take “the DoubleEleventh Festival” (which falls on November 11th) for example, as the campaignwas launched, paid orders in every single second could reach as many as 80thousand. In contrast, traditional system could only process 10 thousand orderseach second. Take another, Amap’s traffic jam avoiding solution enables itsusers to predict the traffic condition 30 minutes ahead of time and optimizetheir routes by means of mobile terminal data. In effect, we are living withbig data. For instance, Zhima Credit have been promoted in many enterprisessince micro-loans are of high risk and not acceptable for banks. By introducingbig data risk control system, both the risk and time cost of each micro-loanare greatly reduced. 

Ma Dawei, Vice Chairman ofShenyang Electronic Commerce Association and CEO of Shechem Network TechnologyCo., Ltd gave a talk on “Big Data – Indispensable for Entrepreneurship &Internet”. Big data is the core of Internet. Only when visualized and analyzedin a specific way, can big data promote the development of enterprises. Maremarked that the essence of “Internet Plus” success lies in the marketing bigdata generated from “resources, technology and operation”, in which resourcesare the battle field, technology the weapon, and operation the tactics. ForWeChat operation, to attract and maintain followers is the key. By 2D-bar code,we are able to attract followers. Through providing services and creating resonance,we can maintain followers.

Zeng Diwen, General Manager Dalian, focused his speech on “Crowdsourcing Makes Business StartupEasier”. As the largest crowdsourcing service platform in China, ZBJ.comreceived a financing of 2.6 billion RMB last year. It aims to provide variousservices for entrepreneurs, which range from the naming of a company to productdesign, marketing promotion, finance, tax and law etc. It’s commission-free tostart a business on this platform. Zeng added:” The year 2016 is a time windowfor, a year for rapid development. Join us for a brighter future withZBJ!”

Li Yingao, Vice President ofNeusoft Holdings and General Manager of CooVenture delivered a speech on “Runfor It, College Graduate Entrepreneurs!” According to him, success is aprocess, and starting a business is just alike. As long as taking the firststep, you are successful to some degree. The current domestic economic downturnmakes innovation and entrepreneurship a favorable turn. But before you intendto start a business, you are required to be excellent at your major. Only in doingso, can you get support from others. Finally, Li quoted the saying of the greatAmerican management master Paul J. Meyer: “Whatever you vividly imagine,ardently desire, sincerely believe, and enthusiastically act upon, mustinevitably come to pass!”

Wang Xinhao, CEO of ShenyangZhili Enterprise Service Agency gave a keynote speech on “Features and Servicesof Investment and Incubation Alliance”. Wang is seasoned in the field ofentrepreneurship with seven years’ experience as an entrepreneur and threeyears’ experience as an Angel Investor. By far he has invested over thirtyprojects. He said that information symmetry is of great importance whenstarting a business, for entrepreneurs have to keep abreast of the currentsituation of mainstream areas and surroundings. At the same time, they areexpected to bear a proper understanding of themselves. The services provided byE-Commerce College-Enterprise Collaborative Innovation Industrial Alliance aredefinitely vertical, enterprise-level and market-level, but not theoretical oracademic. 

In the end, the launch ceremonyof E-Commerce College-Enterprise Collaborative Innovation Industrial Alliancewas officially activated. The alliance is led by government sectors such asCollege Graduates Employment Bureau of Liaoning Province and the E-CommerceSector of Ministry of Commerce of Liaoning Province, and is initiated by DNUI.Consisting of enterprises, institutions and colleges from E-Commerce industry,the alliance aims to improve the situation of supply-demand informationasymmetry between college technology and enterprise outcomes. It ismarket-oriented and devoted to technological innovation on the basis ofenterprise demands. At the final stage, it sets a goal of achievingcommercialization of research findings and the cultivation of technologicallyinnovative talents. Ren Zhigang, Deputy Director of Dalian Public PracticingBase for Entrepreneurs, Cao Jing, Director of Dalian High-tech ZoneEntrepreneurial Centre, Zhao Bo, Vice President of DNUI and the ten members ofthe first batch co-launched the alliance. Paper planes loaded with venturecapital were released, so did the entrepreneurship dreams of college students.(The ten members of the first batch are as follows: DNUI, CooVenture,,Shechem Network Technology Co., Ltd, Liaoning Jinshe Yunong E-Commerce Group,La Ping Guo Network Technology Co., Ltd, Aimeng Tuxi Technology Service Co.,Ltd, Jinzhou Coastal E-Commerce Industrial Base, Cybernaut Dalian, and ShenyangZhili Enterprise Service Agency.)   

This forum has effectivelypromoted the interactive integration of industry and education by offeringexcellent opportunities for industry-school cooperation. In doing so, a win-winsituation between colleges and enterprises can be achieved. A feast on thinkingin this new E-Commerce age was presented by the prospective sharing by distinguishedthink-tank guests of the nation, the intellectual sparks between guests andstudents, and the establishment of E-Commerce College-Enterprise CollaborativeInnovation Industrial Alliance. The forum was brought to a successful closewith a shower of applause.