Three New Undergraduate Majors: Data Science And Big Data Technology, Health Service And Management, and Medical Imaging Technology, Added.
Recently, according to “ theMinistry of Education’s Announcement on the Publication of the Results of theRecord and Approval of the Undergraduate Majors in Regular Institutions ofHigher Education in 2017” (Document of Higher Educati...
2018-04-10 News -
DNUI Hosts “Entrepreneurship Hall and University Tour of Mentors of 2018”
On the afternoon of Mar.23, 2018,“DNUI Stop of Entrepreneurship Hall and University Tour of Mentors of 2018” washosted by DNUI in A15-103 Lecture Hall. The campaign was sponsored by DalianEntrepreneurship Service Centre and undertaken by ...
2018-04-09 News -
Liu Jiren on CCTV2: A Life in Computing
He was the first to get hold of adoctor’s degree of computer application; he was awarded the title of professorat 33, the youngest among his counterparts; he founded the first listedsoftware company in China; he headed his business to produce t...
2018-04-06 News -
DUNI SOVO’s Winning the Title of "Dalian A-class Startup Incubation Platform"
On the morning of March 10, 2018,the 16th Dalian Enterprise Career Expo opened in Dalian World Expo Plaza. Theaward ceremony for the city-level entrepreneurship incubation platform was heldin the same period. Mr. Lu Lin, Member of the Standing Commit...
2018-03-30 News -
DNUI representatives attended 2018 CDIO Asian Regional Meeting (Da Nang, Vietnam) and presented keynote reports
From March 11th to 14th, the 2018 CDIO Asian Regional Meeting was held in Duy Tan University, Da Nang in Vietnam, attracting 13 Asian countries and regions and 193 representatives of 57 universities, including scholars, managers, students and industr...
2018-03-19 News -
26 National-level Cooperative Education Programs of DNUI Granted
Recently, the HigherEducation Department of the Ministry of Education announced theestablishment of the second batch of production-study cooperative educationprojects of 2017 (Document of the Higher Education Department [2018] No. 4)supported by some...
2018-03-12 News -
Wen Tao, President of Dalian Neusoft Institute of Information Becoming the Winner of National Outstanding President Award for Educational Reform and Innovation
On January 20, 2018, the5th National Education Reform Innovation Case Presentation and InnovationAchievement Exhibition was held by ChinaEducation News and China EducationNews Network in Beijing. The winners of the 5th National EducationInnovation Ca...
2018-01-26 News