DNUI representatives attended 2018 CDIO Asian Regional Meeting (Da Nang, Vietnam) and presented keynote reports
Release time:2018-03-19 

From March 11th to 14th, the 2018 CDIO Asian Regional Meeting was held in Duy Tan University, Da Nang in Vietnam, attracting 13 Asian countries and regions and 193 representatives of 57 universities, including scholars, managers, students and industry practitioners, to the meeting. DNUI representatives Yu Dan, Associate Dean of School of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education, and Rong Yidan, Deputy Director of President’s Office, attended the meeting.

On March 13th, Yu Dan presented a keynote report "CDIO Innovation: Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education Development in DNUI". The report introduced TOPCARES-CDIO, an integrated nurturing system of innovative engineering talents and DNUI’s implementation of innovative and entrepreneurial education. This report was widely recognized by participating experts and scholars.. 


Yu Dan presentinga keynote report

On March 14th, Rong Yidan, on behalf of DNUI organizing team, announced the dates, theme and schedule of 2019 CDIO Asian Regional Meeting and our sincere invitation to CDIO Asian members. A computer animation video about CDIO development and TOPCARES-CDIO had been specially created for the meeting by a DNUI student startup. Along with a Time-lapse photography video of Dalian landscapes, those two videos drew great attention and impressed the attendees..


Rong Yidanintroducing our schedule of preparing 2019 CDIO Asian Regional Meeting

During the meeting, scholars such as Prof. Ron Hugo, Chair in Engineering Education Innovation at the Schulich School of Engineering, University of Calgary, Mr. Lim Peng Hun, Deputy Principal and Chief Technology Officer of Singapore Polytechnic, Pro. Jean-Lee. Bing, President of Feng Chia University, and Pro. Merialdo. Bernald at Institut Eurecom were also invited to give keynote reports. Five institution applicants from Japan, Vietnam, Philippines, and Malaysia presented their applications.

我校参会人员与新加坡理工学院副校长林炳汉,CDIO亚洲区联合主席Helene Leong合影留念

DNUIrepresentatives with Mr. Lim Peng Hun and Ms. Helene Leong from SingaporePolytechnic

DNUI has been a CDIO international collaborator since 2012. And we will host 2019 CDIO Asian Regional Meeting next year from March 25th to 27th. At that time, DNUI will invite scholars, policy makers, industry experts and student teams from all over the world, especially from Asian regions, to explore future development of engineering education, thereby to facilitate the communication and cooperation within CDIO communities.