26 National-level Cooperative Education Programs of DNUI Granted
Release time:2018-03-12 

Recently, the HigherEducation Department of the Ministry of Education announced theestablishment of the second batch of production-study cooperative educationprojects of 2017 (Document of the Higher Education Department [2018] No. 4)supported by some enterprises. Twenty-six national-level cooperative educationprograms of DNUI have been newly approved. The number of approved projectscreated a new record. Up to now, the number of the approved projects of ourschool has accumulated to 52.

The second batch of cooperation projects forcooperation in production and education approved in 2017 covers 6 areasincluding the innovation and entrepreneurship education reform, the jointventure fund for innovation and entrepreneurship, the reform of teachingcontent and curriculum system, teachers training, construction of practicalconditions, and construction of off-campus practice bases. The cooperationpartners are the following 11 companies. They are Accenture, Tencent,Superstars, Neusoft Ruidao, Beijing Qianfeng, Beijing Saicel, LiaoningTechBroad, Dalian Hi-Think Computer Technology, Corp, Guoxin Lanqiao,Playschool.com and EI Elements Technology Co., Ltd. Among the 26 approvedprojects, there are seven from the Department of Computer Science andTechnology, three from the Department of Software Engineering, two from theDepartment of Information Administration, one from the Department of BusinessAdministration, three from the Department of Electronic Engineering, three fromthe Department of Digital Arts, two from the Higher Vocational and TechnicalCollege, two from the Department of Fundamental Courses, and three from theSchool of Innovation and Entrepreneurship.