With Technology Fans and Artistic Styles, Extraordinary Originality Shown in Dalian Neusoft University of Information “Home” Carnival
On the morning of May 26th, Dalian Neusoft University ofInformation was occupied by cute kids. Over 130 teachers brought their familiesand children, the “second generation of Neusoft” to the gymnasium one afteranother to attend the 5th " ...
2018-06-08 News -
100,000+ Views Live Creativeness of Sports Meeting in Dalian Neusoft University of Information Attracts Attention
On the morning of May 25th, colorful flags flied and music wasplayed on the stadium of Dalian Neusoft University of Information. Teachers andstudents of Great Neusoft gathered here to participate in the 13thschool sports meeting.At 7:50 in the mornin...
2018-05-31 News -
300 Students from DNUI Participated in Dalian Marathon as Volunteers
At 4:30 p.m. of May 13th, 300 volunteer students from differentdepartments gathered at the east gate of DNUI at dawn. They took the bus bound for31st Dalian international marathon event to serve this competition asvolunteers.Pictures are provided by ...
2018-05-28 News -
Delegation of Chang Gung from Taiwan Visits Our University
On the afternoon of May 15th, Chen Jinde, Chairman of GrammyMedical Cosmetology Group in Taiwan, Yang Yuncheng, Chairman of YingtaiInternational Development Co., Ltd., Su Huicheng, Deputy Director of Chang GungMemorial Hospital, and Cai Yichen, Deput...
2018-05-28 News -
The Tenth Anniversary of 5.12 Earthquake | People Witnessed Neusofters’ Remarkable Acts
People around the world, especially Chinese will never forget a day. A M8earthquake stroke Wenchuan, Sichuan province of China at 14.28 p.m. of May 12thin 2008. Students and teachers of Chengdu Neusoft University which was 19kilometers away from Wenc...
2018-05-25 News -
Zhang Yifan, President of Dalian Branch of China Development Bank with Other 6 guests Visited DNUI
On the afternoon of April 27th, Zhang Yifan, President of Dalian Branch ofChina Development Bank with other 6 guests visited DNUI. Ren Hao, Vice PartySecretary of DUNI welcomed the guests.Ren Hao, Vice Party Secretary introduced DNUI to the guests.Th...
2018-05-24 News -
The Closing Ceremony of the 13th "Sun Sports, You and Me" Sports Month and Cheerleading Contest
On theafternoon of May 4th, the closing ceremony of the 13th "Sun Sports, Youand Me" Sports Month as well as the Cheerleading Contest was held inStudents Activity Center. Lasting for one month, this event of Sports Month washosted by DNUI Youth Leagu...
2018-05-15 News