Li Hai, Deputy Director of the International Department of the Education Ministry and YangZhou, Deputy Chief of the Overseas Studies of the Education Ministry, visitedDNUI and gave guidance to the university’s work on innovation, entrepreneurshipand international exchange, accompanied by Hua Lei, Deputy Chief of theEducation Department of Liaoning Province and Yang Feng, Chief of the HigherEducation Department of Agriculture and Forestry. Wen Tao, President and Secretary of CPC Committee of DNUI showed the guests around SOVO and the Schoolof Digital Arts and Design.
Li Hai, Hua Lei andother guests are visiting SOVO.
Li Hai, Hua Lei andother guests are presented with the projects by the student entrepreneurs.
Li Hai, Hua Lei andother guests are exchanging with the international students from University ofQueensland on the exchange program (Australia)
President Wen Taointroduced the history of DNUI and its educational characteristics to theguests from the higher authorities. Den Shan, head of the School of Innovationand Entrepreneurship, dwelled on the operations of SOVO and its achievements.Li Hai and Hua Lei were presented with the outstanding projects prepared by theentrepreneurial teams of the DNUI students. The guests expressed approval overthe concepts and innovativeness of the products. Afterwards, the guests headedto the School of Digital Arts and Design to appreciate the original works bythe teachers and students.
During the visit toSOVO, the guests were also presented with the projects jointly demonstrated bystudents from both Dalian Neusoft University of Dalian and University ofQueensland for the summer program of innovation and entrepreneurship practice.32 students from University of Queensland and 2 from National University ofSurabaya conducted group discussions on the creativeness of the project. Li Haiand Hua Lei had an in-depth discussion with Jack Caperon from University ofQueensland and asked about his impression of Dalian and DNUI. The latterdisplayed the achievements of the discussion, exalting the economic growth andthe cultural atmosphere of China.