The Tenth Anniversary of 5.12 Earthquake | People Witnessed Neusofters’ Remarkable Acts
Release time:2018-05-25 

People around the world, especially Chinese will never forget a day. A M8earthquake stroke Wenchuan, Sichuan province of China at 14.28 p.m. of May 12thin 2008. Students and teachers of Chengdu Neusoft University which was 19kilometers away from Wenchun felt a strong wave of shaking around.

Realizing the occurring of earthquakes, teachers risked their lives toevacuate students from teaching buildings to the outside.

On the playground, students saw that the school had turned into great messunder the impact of the earthquake.

Regular teaching works were stopped and people all had no idea about howto face the future study and life. Before long, Neusofters made a remarkabledecision--over 4,000 students of Chengdu Neusoft university could resume theirstudy in other place in order to minimize the impacts that earthquake made onstudents’ study.

It was the largest act of resuming class in the history of our nation,which took place in three different Neusoft schools.

More than 4600 students and teachers went to DNUI and Guangdong NeusoftUniversity to resume their classes. This act stretched over 10 provinces andcities including Sichuan, Shaanxi, Henan, Hebei, Tianjin, Liaoning, Chongqing,Guizhou, Hunan, Guangdong, and covered more than 10,000 kilometres.

On June 24th of 2008, the world focused on Chendu Neusoft University. Thescene that military trucks shuttled students and teachers was so exciting,which was like seeing off army soldiers to the frontline.

On June 26th and 27th, teachers and students from Chendu NeusoftUniversity arrived in Dalian by special trains after more than 40 hours. Theyspent two months studying in this beautiful city.

Lots of welcoming banners were hanged at the Dalian Railway Station, whichmade teachers and students feel at home. The teachers and students from ChengduNeusoft University took 40 buses of Dalian Bus Cooperation to DNUI in order.

Birthday Party on the Train

The Train Conductor Hugged with Students from Chengdu Neusoft University

All the teachers and students of DNUI were waiting on campus to welcometeachers and students from afar. They were waving welcoming banners as soon asthe buses entered the DNUI. The banner like “Welcome home. It is warm here”along with all kinds of posters, tips could be found at any corners of DNUI.

Classrooms, libraries, labs and administrative offices were ready towelcome them. The dorms were being painted, and campus cards and beddings werealso being prepared. The dining room also hired cooks from Sichuan. Variousevents were held including art performance, thoughts communication,psychological counseling, Olympic torch bearer training, torch relay,international culture communication, friendship soccer games as well as armyand activities between the army and the students. The campus environment, dailystudy and after-class activities all impressed teachers and students from afar,which contained the kindness and wishes of DNUI’s teachers and students.

This was a significant thousands of kilometers journey, which enrichstudents’ study and lives.

How time flies!

Time is like the magic. It can ease the pain and gather gratitude.

From then on, we could see a nation-wide social mobilization. People allover the nation started to take actions to donate their belongings and rescuethe needed. So, the 2008 is regarded as the first year of China’s publicbenefit year.

Ten years has passed by, the students then have grown up. We believe theycould become more mature after experiencing the disaster.

Being mature means accepting the imperfect and ups and downs in life.

Finally, wish all people good luck and treat the world in a kind way.

Wish all fear has been gone and all rejuvenate after suffering!