DNUI Held Party for the Class of 2019
On the evening of June 25th, the Graduation Party for the class of 2019 ofDalian Neusoft University of Information entitled “Unforgettable DNUI Complex, HeroicJourney” was held in the gymnasium. Ren Hao, Deputy Secretary of the PartyCommi...
2019-07-24 News -
DNUI Held the Graduation Ceremony and Degree Awarding Ceremony of 2019
In June of the early summer, the grass wasstill in full swing, and it was the graduation season of another year. Thecampus of Dalian Neusoft University of Information was full of banners to sendfarewell to graduates. The theme photo wall of " Farewel...
2019-07-23 News -
Nine Majors in our University Have Been Approved as the Second Batch of First-class Undergraduate Education Demonstration Majors in Liaoning Higher Learning Schools
Recently, Liaoning Provincial Department ofEducation announced the results of the second batch of first-classundergraduate education demonstration majors in Liaoning Provincial Collegesand Universities (Liao Education Letter〔2019〕No. 200). Nine maj...
2019-07-16 News -
Over 4 million viewing! We Saw the Brilliant Closing of Campus Activities on Live Broadcast in Our University
On June 14, 14:00-16:00, "You Come to Define Your Future" DalianNeusoft University of Information campus activities was broadcast live on twoplatforms: the Guangming Online KK live broadcasting and Sina Dalian. In twohours, it continued to show the N...
2019-07-12 News -
Great Success Achieved by DNUI Students in the 9th National University Student Computer Application Ability and Information Literacy Competition
On June 2, 2019, the Ninth National University Students ComputerApplication Ability and Information Literacy Competition was successfullyconcluded at the Capital University of Economics and Business. A total of 15 students from theSchool of Computer ...
2019-07-03 News -
Thirty-nine Senior Executive Students from Tosee Learning Alliance Visited DLNUI
On the morning of June 1, a group of 39 students from Tosee Learning AllianceTraining Course visited our school. Senior Executives from differententerprises including Amazon AWS, TCL Holdings, Beike Housing Search, Glodon,Haidilao, Macalline, Huiyuan...
2019-07-01 News -
DNUI Students Won Prizes in the 10th China University Students Competition in Service Outsourcing Innovation and Entrepreneurship
On May 24, jointly organized by the Ministry of Education, the Ministry ofCommerce and the Wuxi Municipal Government, the 10th China University Student Competitionin Service Outsourcing Innovation and Entrepreneurship ended in Wuxi, JiangsuProvince. ...
2019-06-28 News