Our school's SOVO collaborates with the OpenHarmony Education Working Group to hold a lecture on "OH! Start the OpenHarmony Journey
Release time:2023-06-28 

On May 22, the open atom school source trip special lecture activity with the theme of "OH! Open Harmony Journey!" was held in the A15-103 conference room of the Software Park campus by SOVO (Student Office and Venture Office), the OpenAtom Foundation and the OpenHarmony Education Working Group. Tian Huiyi, Dean of the School of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Zheng Junsheng, Vice Dean of the School of Computer and Software, Ju Ernan, Vice Dean of the School of Intelligence and Electronic Engineering, Jia Ning, Deputy Director of the Department of Computer and Artificial Intelligence, Guo Hao, Senior Advisor of the OpenAtom Foundation, Song Yiying, Leader of the OpenHarmony Education Working Group, and Wang Chao, Leader of the Public Resources Management Group attended the meeting. More than forty teachers and students participated in the activity.

Dean Tian Huiyi delivered a speech at the event. She stated that SOVO, as the creator of the school’s innovation and entrepreneurship culture atmosphere, continues to introduce high-quality external industry cutting-edge resources to assist in the integration of industry and innovation for new development. Open source, as an important model for software technology innovation and the forefront of industrial technology development, is welcome to enter the campus and work with teachers and students to embrace open source culture and technology, broaden the perspective of high-tech talent cultivation, and inject fresh resources of industry innovation integration.

Teacher Guo Hao delivered a speech with the theme of “Exploring the Open Source World and How College Students Open the Door to Open Source”. He introduced the development process of open source software, as well as the advantages and classification of open source software, and shared the methods for college students to explore open source software. It is hoped that this sharing can help college students open the door to open source, and help college students correctly understand the meaning of open source software in the process of exploring open source. At the same time, he also encouraged students to actively join the open source community, contribute to the development of open source software, and gain broader opportunities for career development and technological innovation.

After the thematic lecture, all guests at the meeting had further exchanges on the future curriculum construction, content iteration, establishment of student societies and university clubs.

OpenHarmony is an open source project incubated and operated by the OpenAtom Foundation. The goal of it is to build a framework and platform for the operating system of intelligent terminal devices based on open source, and promote the prosperity and development of the Internet of Things industry in the era of full scene, full connection, and full intelligence. At present, it has reached cooperation with 12 domestic top universities, including Shanghai Jiaotong University, Fudan University, Lanzhou University, Dalian University of Technology, Southeast University, and established university clubs to gradually promote the construction and reform of courses and online live classes, and promote the landing and resource sharing of OpenHarmony related competitions, so that college teachers and students can obtain incentives, honors, and growth.