On November 14, 2015, the First China Cross-Border E-CommerceInnovation and Entrepreneurship Competition for College Students endedin Tsinghua University, jointly held by the Ministry of Education ,National Human Resources Institute for Service Outsourcing, NationalCommercial Circle and Chambers of Commerce. 29students of our school teams won awards, who were respectively from theDepartments of Business Management, Information Management, SoftwareEngineering, Japanese, Electronic Engineering and Digital Arts. Three of theteams won the second prize at national level, four teams won the third prize.
The competition was held in theways of non-profit training, internship in enterprise and entrepreneurialguidance and the like, which makes the students be able to go out of the schooland enter the enterprises. In the real enterprise supply chain andinternational market environment, the students can be involved in the realbusiness skill training, operating the international trade under the real"Internet +" environment and building the innovation andentrepreneurship platforms for hundreds of thousands of small and medium microcross-border e-commerce enterprises and millions of college students. There arethree types of competition: cross-border e-commerce operation (class A),cross-border e-commerce specialized skills (class B) and the "Internet +Trade" innovation and entrepreneurship (class C). Totally 887 teams from226 universities participated in the competition, including Nankai University,Jilin University, Nanjing University, Dalian Maritime University, SichuanUniversity and Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, of which 33teams entered the final, competing for the first and second prizes.