Message fromChairman of the Board Liu Jiren at the Welcome Show for the Freshmen: Start out for the Future from Here: A Most Desirable Choice
Release time:2015-12-16 

I am so happy today. Pleasepermit me, on behalf of the whole staff and the entire population of studentsof our university, to extend my warm welcome to over 4000 freshmen of 2015 forjoining the big family of Dalian Neusoft University of Information. What I wantto say first is: You made the right choice!

You may be asked: Why did youchoose DNUI? Your answer would be something like “I got an undesirable scorefor Gaokao” or “It is something I would like to major in”. I think that youmade a right choice to have applied for such a pioneering university withentrepreneurship, where wells the dynamism of our university. 

DNUI has emerged from theentrepreneurial growth. Originally, Northeastern University created NeusoftGroup, a pioneering enterprise which stresses entrepreneurship and which isworking on big data currently. The group and the university have been fuelingeach other all the way. At the beginning, a small group of us started thebusiness on campus. Now the group has grown into a multinational with over20,000 employees. In the past 15 years, we have been benefiting from runningthe university and have come to be aware that a university is an incubator innature, which instills wisdom and helps create value. Actually, that was whatinspired us to create the university 15 years ago. All the teachers areentrepreneurs, who have done their bits to construct the university from thefirst shovelful of earth—we started from scratch. We are gratified all the morewith the fact that we have turned out crops of talented people who are makingcontributions to society.

Therefore, the above facts allowme to believe that you chose our university not because of your undesirablescores or the lack of other opportunities. Instead, I believe you made a rightdecision, which guarantees a future. You, at the same time, choseentrepreneurship as well as the spirit of the digital age featuring theInternet. In this age your choices can fall in line with your interests anddreams. So today marks a starting point for your fresh dreams.

It is my hope that you will joinothers in building your dreamed futures which you will design with expectationsfrom your families and the society. I would like to offer some sinceresuggestions: firstly, exercise your body. Without good health, no dream willcome true. Secondly, work hard and hold on in study. Any harvest andachievement can only be gained with diligence. Additionally, keep up with thetime and tide. Other than study, you should be concerned with the societal andglobal development because you will have your dreams realized in local orglobal communities.

To conclude, let me extend mysincere welcome again to all of you. I wish you happiness, good health and awell-informed start in our university. Thanks!