“Good Teaching Methods Bring Good Students All over the World”
Release time:2015-12-15 
Jointly held by Neusoft II and Dalian Modern High-Tech Development Co., Ltd. for the four-year graduates of 2007, modern Hi-Tech customized class for the software engineers aims to cultivate the software developers who will be sent to work in Japan. The class adopts the customized cultivating pattern of 3+1 (3-year major education followed by the teaching plan of Neusoft II, 1-year intensive courses and practical training according to the requirements of company’s developing practice). Carefully organized by Academic Affairs Dept. and Career Guidance Center and supported by Department of Computer Science and Technology and Department of Information Technology and Business Administration, the customized class consists of 31 students, who have made considerable achievements with the joint effort of teachers from Japanese Department and Hi-Tech Company. At present, with the help of the company, 21 students have applied for the Japanese technical visa and will go to Japan for work. On behalf of all the parents of the students from this class, accompanied by Li Jia, Customer Service Manager of Modern Hi-Tech Education Training Center, some parents visited Mr. Bao Hongkui, NII Vice President in charge of students’ enrollment and employment on the morning of Aug. 31, and showed their gratitude for NII’s training program. During the talk, the parents expressed that now, the number of graduates in China is close to 5,000,000, and many graduates have difficulties in finding jobs in a long time after graduation. However, Neusoft II initiatively plans the future for students, explores the new talent cultivation pattern and actively carries out the customized cultivation, which not only cultivates many practical talents for the business and society, but also realizes the good wishes of many parents. Such a customized class alone can solve the employment problem of over 20 students all at once, among whom 21 students can work in Japan directly. In this way, they can save going abroad deposit and get their visa successfully. Their accommodation and meals are also well arranged, so the students can carry out their work smoothly and study the advanced software developing technology and conception so that they can apply the excellent technologies and abilities to the construction of IT industry of China. All the parents of students to be sent to Japan from the class entrusted several representatives to present a letter of thanks and a silk banner with the words “Good teaching methods bring good students all over the world”, which is to express the gratitude for the cares of Neusoft II leaders of all levels and the efforts of teachers. Deputy President Bao Hongkui introduced to the parents the development details of Neusoft II and showed the determination of making Neusoft II a high-level IT practice-oriented institute. He also entrusted the parents to convey the hopes of our school to their children. On behalf of the institute, Deputy President Bao accepted the letter and the silk banner.

  The following is the full text of the letter of thanks: 感 谢 信 尊敬的校领导、各位老师:      你们好!      我们是贵校○七届计算机系的毕业生家长。在孩子刚走出校门即将走上工作岗位之际,我们的心情十分激动。庆幸四年前我们正确选择了贵校——东北大学东软信息技术学院;感谢四年来在这座现代化的IT校园中,曾经给与孩子教育、指导、关心、帮助的各级领导及老师们。感谢学院相关部门,在孩子毕业的前一年,想家长之所想,急学生之所急,适时地与现代高技术公司联合创办定制班,为学生在毕业前提供了就业热身选择的机会,从而使他们能够顺利地走上工作岗位。仅这个定制班就一次性解决了二十多个学生的就业问题,学校开办了诸多此类的定制班,我们的孩子就是其中的收益者。      在学生到企业学习、实习期间,学校的老师不仅在学习生活上关心他们,在企业面试方面帮助、鼓励他们,而且在毕业答辩方面也提供了极大的方便。毕业答辩在即,学生不在大连,为了不影响学生的学习和毕业,学校特意组织了相关答辩老师,顶着38度的高温,赴上海在企业中为学生进行毕业答辩,此举不仅给予学生极大的鼓舞,也给予我们家长莫大安慰。      正是有校领导重视关心和老师们辛勤努力的工作,才有孩子的今天。如今,他们已经通过企业最终考核,拿到了去日本的技术签证,准备出国工作。      今年高校毕业生近500万,校企合作使我们的孩子顺利地走上了满意的工作岗位。衷心地希望能多开办这样的定制班,让更多的孩子有能力、有实力到日本工作。将来回国为大连乃至中国的软件事业做贡献。也祝愿东软信息学院在今后的教育工作中能够取得更多的成绩,为社会输送更多的优秀人才。最后,再一次衷心感谢学校的领导和老师们,相信这也是本届很多毕业生家长的共同心声。 全体赴日工作的学生家长 二○○七年八月二十八日