IBM-NII Cooperation between Industry and College Seminar Held
Release time:2015-12-15
In order to completely implement agreements including “Memorandum on the Industry-College Cooperation Between Neusoft Institute of Information and International Business Machines (China)”, to make NII teachers better know cooperative projects such as Web Sphere, Rational, IBM practical training system and graduates employments, the two sides held the IBM-NII Cooperation between Industry and College Seminar on December 12 -13, 2008, according to the plan agreed by two sides. Presented are IBM technological experts, industry-college cooperation project chief, leaders of NII computer department and some teachers, leaders of other departments and teachers. This seminar was presided by Mr. Wu Jinaning, leader of branding and Strategic Development Department.
The seminar began with the welcoming address by Professor Qi Zhiru, dean of Computer department, NII consultant. Professor Qi expressed his praise for the industry-college cooperation between IBM and NII. He also appreciated IBM for their efforts on the development of NII teaching staff and courses and various training. In his speech, Professor Qi also mentioned that the cooperation between two sides had entered an excellent phase and he wished that teachers could broaden their horizons through this seminar, which will surely lead to a progress of students’ quality. He also expressed his good wish that cooperation between IBM and NII could be built into a national model of industry-college cooperation.
At the beginning of this seminar, Wang Yanqing, the project leader and Shi Keying, the technology expert made introduction to IBM practical training, mainly focusing on its characteristics, form, requirement, administrative from, procedure. Then, IBM technology experts, Han Qing and Shi Keying made detailed introduction on Web Sphere Technology and Rational Technology. Teachers who are present at the meeting showed great interest in this training system and raised questions voluntarily and discussed with the three experts. In this active interaction, all members who are present at the meeting gained lots.
This seminar helped teachers broaden their horizons and strengthened the technological and talent training exchange between IBM and NII; thus, it marks a new start on improving IT talents training quality project between two sides.