Students Work Team Won Awards
Release time:2015-12-15 
  Recently, our institute’s students work system won many incentives in a series of enhancing and improving college students’ ideological and political activities held by Liaoning province Higher Education Working Committee.    Education,the Career of Touching Hearts, made by Psychological Counseling Center, won the 1st Prize in the college students ideological and political education excellent special achievements. In addition, works of the Security Office named Multi Aspects Work together and Establish Neusoft’s Harmony, gained the 3rd in this activity.     Furthermore, a lot of teachers’ works have achieved 3rd prizes, such as Han Xiaoping, teacher of Information Technology, Analysis on Thanksgiving Education in College; Tang Xiao, teacher of Japanese Department, Analysis on College Instructors’ Working Methods Viewed from Humane Care; Wu Jie and Yuang Yumei, teachers of Undergraduate Affairs Office, The Side Effect and Solution of Network on College Students’ Moral Education, and Li Hongxin, teacher of Computer Department, Research on Civilian Run University Academic Discipline Education from Practice- case study of Dalian Neusoft Institute of Information.    Ning Shuang, teacher of Department of Information Technology and Business Administration, won the Honorable Title of Excellent Individual of Liaoning College Instructors Heart to Heart Communication Events. (Yang Yumei,  Undergraduate Affairs Office)