Dalian Digital Media Vocational Education Group Established
Release time:2015-12-15 
On March 27, the first inaugural general assembly for the establishment of Dalian Digital Media Vocational Education Group was held in Dalian Comprehensive High School. Led by Dalian Neusoft University of Information, organized by Dalian Software Industry Association, launched by 31 joint enterprises, industry associations, and schools in Dalian, the group is going to take the digital media as its industry chain, which is to truly deepen the cooperation on the “school-enterprise-school” level. In the future, the Group is going to focus on the construction of the actual needs of talented personnel in the development of media industry. Effective educational system and talent training model will also be explored actively. The Group is dedicated to constructing a combination of production and instruction to realize the share and complement among the digital media vocational education, human resources, educational facilities and practice base and other resources through “Talent Fostering Overpass Relying on the Vocational Education Group", which gradually form a chain of students majoring in digital media vocational education, industry, teaching staff, information, employment, achievement transformation and continuing education in Dalian. At the conference, Mr. Sun, Director of the Department of Vocational and Adult Education of Dalian Education Bureau, expressed that the establishment of Dalian Digital Media Vocational Education Group is not only a pleasant event in history, but also a further exploration of Dalian’s in-depth integration of the education and media industries. As a representative of the digital media industry in Dalian, great jobs should be done by the Group to serve the students as well as the society with specific features. As the chair unit of the group, Dalian Neusoft University of Information also expressed that some practical work should be done by the Group for further integration of its members, resource sharing, coordination and cooperation, team work, and striving to achieve the "four-win" among the students and their parents, the community and enterprises. The Group is going to have the whole world in view, so that the combination of ideas and information can be made to strengthen and expand the digital media industry.